Perfection Not Required: Growing an Online Business from the Inside Out

Ep.43 Pausing to Celebrate!

Jamie Riene Season 1 Episode 40

We're quick to judge our progress through the lens of I have so much more to go...instead of pausing a beat to look back and see how far we've come.   As season one comes to a close, I invite you in to do just that.

Tune into this episode to celebrate:

  1. The women that have shared their stories with me
  2. The joy in learning something new
  3. What's coming up next

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Jamie Stephens:

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Breaking up with corporate. Today I want to talk to you about season one wrap up. This podcast, we are wrapping up season one after 43 episodes, published 1506 downloads, and those downloads are in 24 countries across six continents. So I just wanted to say thank you, I am so glad that you're here, I'm so glad that you have joined me on this journey. And today, I really just want to kind of look back and basically just kind of see how far I've come. You know, it's really interesting the growth that I've experienced over the last year. And besides just deep gratitude from the bottom of my heart for you actually being here and giving me sharing this time with me. So I really, truly want to say thank you. And we're gonna go through just kind of a recap of the different type of guests that we've had on the show some key themes that have emerged, things that I've learned, you know, really just kind of get into it, my favorite parts, and then what's coming up next. So thank you for being here. And we're just going to jump right in. So as far as the different type of guests, this is really something that has quite honestly, been such a pleasant surprise, I was really thinking whenever I first started was gonna first do a podcast that I would do a bunch of solo episodes, and maybe have a guest here and there. And what I found is, it's actually a lot easier to talk to someone else than it is to talk to yourself in front of a microphone. So besides the five day challenge that I did, like, I've only had a handful of solo episodes. So even stuff like this, like this is still a skill that I'm developing. And so it's just like, I don't know, one of those things. But I've had so many different types of guests, and they have all come very easily, which was not something I was expecting. And maybe it's the type of show, maybe it's just that we get to highlight women's stories and really highlight them and what they're doing for people. And I think that that's a real easy thing to say yes to. But I have met these women incredible women, through word of mouth through groups that I'm in through Instagram through this podcasting course itself. And I have interviewed women on the show, from all ages from like, mid 20s to 60. Plus, I don't really know people's ages, as far as you know, it's just not something I really asked. But for real, there's people who are basically straight out of college all the way up to retirement, and it's never too early, it's never too late. You know, one of the things that I think we tend to struggle with is that, you know, we're always feel like we're to something, and I really am so proud to bring you this lineup of guests. So no matter what your excuses, you can say, Oh, I'm too young, oh, look at her, I'm too old, well look at her, you know, I'm to XYZ, like there's stories in there that really just give a whole breadth of like, what is possible, there's women who left with a plan, money in the bank, there's women who just couldn't take it anymore left without a plan, and knew that they would figure it out. We've had stories where there is been slow and steady growth. And sometimes it takes multiple times, which is kind of my own story as well. But there's also stories of women that have just hit the ground running. And I also think that those stories are so valuable that you can see both sides. Like it's whatever you're willing to believe and it's what you're willing to get your your brain and your mind behind because that's really like the evidence is out there. So whether it is the like the women who have started brand new things that they've never done before or if they're reworking their corporate skills, or if they made money right away, or if it took a lot of time. The stories are out there, like what you want to do and how you want to do it and all of those things like they're available. And so it brings me so much pleasure that I was able to bring such a plethora of guests that really just show all the different ways to succeed because it's not just a one stop shop and This is the only way that you can do it. And I am so proud that I have been able to have such an amazing class of women come through that have really just touched me. And I hope that has translated through the, through the microphone here. And so some of the key things that really key themes that emerged, I mean, entrepreneurship. I have said it before, and I will continue to say it, but it is the biggest therapy session there like you can imagine, every single thing that you face as an entrepreneur is another opportunity for you to step into more of who you are, and really start to peel off layers and peel apart, like all the things that you thought you knew about yourself. Because being in this situation, being an entrepreneur just really has a way of really just tearing away all of the bullshit. And one of the are the themes that emerged from this, it's not just me, you know, these women are resilient, and they desire to make an impact. And you really have to have like, that desire to help the desire to really share what you know, and really have something bigger than yourself that you're working for. And all of these women have taken their careers, their personal growth, their situations as their responsibility, you know, nobody is coming to save you, nobody is coming to take on anything that you want to do and make it their, you know, personal mission, it is your personal mission, it's things that are intrinsic to you that you want to bring forth. And that takes a real strength. And so I know that sounds like all of the really hard things, but it's really like what it honestly truly takes to be an entrepreneur. And there are so many stories of falling down and getting back up again, and things not working out and all of that. And like I said, it's just I'm so glad that I have gotten to share these stories, because they mean so much to me. And it's such just good information and good, like life experience that these women have been through overcome are teaching others how to do that all of the things. And so not only have I really learned a lot this year, as far as like my technical skills. But I've also learned so much about myself. So let's just kind of like break that down for a second because I am taking this as an opportunity to celebrate myself and celebrate this podcast because it's not something that comes naturally to me. And it is something that I have challenged myself to do more of over the past year. And that's really to pause and celebrate how far I've come and not focus on Okay, well, I'm not where I want to be. But when I look back and see how far I've come see the things that I've learned. I'm not just like pissed off that I'm not where I want to be yet I look back and I thought, wow, like, there's so much that goes into this. And there's so much growth that I've had, and everything always takes longer than I think it should. But like, over the past year, I have learned to produce a podcast, I've learned to find interview pitch guests. I've learned about editing, and marketing, and Instagram and all of those sorts of things. But I've also learned, like presence, I've learned how to really like drop in and sit with somebody and have empathy and gratitude and really just be with someone in the moment and not thinking like 14 steps ahead like I normally do. But really just being with them and hearing their story being in that flow, being in conversation being just really present with someone. I've had my own personal growth around things like worthiness and perfection and identity. I've done work on receiving and the impact that I want to make and self love and boundaries and following my intuition like the past year has taught me more about myself than any college degree. Any like years of working for someone else because I've never had to do eggs so hard, like to really reach and reveal the things about myself that I want to bring to the surface that have been buried deep that I have allowed to stay hidden. And I'm really proud of that. And I am super excited that just the way that I have chosen to show up for the last year, I have been 100%, transparent about my feelings about stuff about where I'm at about things that are happening in the business. And I just, I am so glad that you are on this journey with me. And it's such a cool thing that, you know, we get to try something totally different. And all of the things that come from that all of the skills that you can learn whenever you try and do and challenge yourself. So I mean, it's always one of the things that I've learned about learning. But I've no, it's always one of the things I've loved about learning, but never has that ever been so evident as it has this past year, however, and all of that to say my very favorite part, hands down, no questions asked. And it has, like been the biggest surprise to me because as an introvert, it's not really something that I had on the radar as a reward for what would come from this podcast. And I don't really know why. But the friendships that I have formed with so many women that I've had the opportunity to interview. And I mean, I have friends, like seriously across the country, and in Canada, now that I can really, like call friends, like, I've, I don't even know how to explain it, the intimacy and depth of the conversations I've had with these women. And just like, skip the bullshit, let's get straight to like the good stuff. Like, I feel like there's a bonding in that. And I, yeah, I now have friends across the like across the country, across North America. And it's really super fascinating to me. And it's been one of the blessings that I really, honestly didn't understand in the beginning that that would be something that came from it. And it's definitely something that I want to continue. Because I do think that expanding your network and expanding friendships and meeting women on a similar path, or with a similar ambition and women that can you can learn from that can challenge you that you can also contribute to the conversation and like grow each other. There is so much value in that. And so that has been just a really, really fun experience for me, like, I don't know that I got into the whole podcasting thing because I expected to make friendships and or have fun, because it was kind of like, oh, that sounds kind of fun, kind of interesting. But it was fun in a whole other way. It was a, it's fun to learn. It's fun to grow. It's fun to meet all of these amazing women. And it's just been honestly something that I wish I would have started years ago. And I have no plans of quitting. So even though there will be kind of a switch up on how things are going to go for season two. So let's get into it. What is happening next. So Kathleen McDermott was my very last interview for season one. And that was on Monday. So you are hearing the season one wrap up a week later. And over the last year, I have done, I don't know 10, possibly 10 interviews for other podcasts that have been really a documentation of my journey this year. And it's really fun, I am going to release them. The show shows that have already aired but on other people's podcasts, I'm going to release them in chronological order. And so you can kind of see the whole arc my journey has taken and the things that I grappled with that you really didn't get to see as part of my show because my focus really was on the the guests even though you know we were talking or contributing and you know, kind of having that back and forth. There wasn't a whole lot about me, aside from those just handful, not even handful, the two solo episodes that I did. So this is a fun way to really kind of see the arc of the journey in a chronological order. That really does paint the picture of life What I've been through for the last year as far as not just the learning and growing, but also the ways that I really kind of struggled to find my place and to find my footing and to figure out exactly how I'm going to make money and all of the things because once I have like, finally gotten clarity, I mean, many of you know that I am now back at a corporate job. And I've been there a month, I actually really love it, she surprised even me. But all of that to say, there are going to be episodes that you're going to hear the whole arc of this season one, like from a different perspective, that's really, really fun to hear. And I'll be listening alongside you to just kind of relive that space that I was in whenever I recorded those episodes. Starting back to all the way the very first one that you'll hear was with crystal Carruthers. And it was actually my very first interview, period, like it was October of last year, she I was her very first interview on her podcast, it was the first time I'd ever been interviewed the first like I interviewed her just as a I mean, it was not anything that aired, but it was like a practice session. So it's really, it's gonna be fun. I mean, maybe it's only fun for me, but I think you'll enjoy it. But with the whole like, oh shit, like I'm happy and corporate now who knew there's going to be a rebrand for season two, because entrepreneurship is in my bones. It's not something that's going away. It's something that I've always loved. And I will always continue to love. And even though breaking up with corporate still has a special place in my heart, because I think that you can break up with corporate and break up with the corporate mindset, as well. Like I still have plans of entrepreneurship, I still have plans to have choices and have money and income that is not tied solely to an employer that you know, can be bought that can go under that can I can get laid off that I could lose my job, like all of the things, I still desire, my own financial freedom away from any institution, that gives me a paycheck. So that is very important to me. And something that I will continue to do. I do plan on releasing a season two that will come out in January. So there will be probably a month or so of interim where there won't be any new shows. But I will keep you guys posted on the rebrand. for season two, it's no longer going to be breaking up with corporate I'm playing with some ideas of names and that sort of thing. But I'll get you involved in the like artwork and that kind of stuff. And maybe even the naming of it. Over on Instagram at Jamie Renee that's J am i e r i e n e. But that's where I'm at. That's what's coming. There will be season two, it will still be an entrepreneurship focus, it will be less about like leaving your corporate job and more focused on really building up income and like the way I don't I'm just bullshitting you at this point. I don't know what it's going to be about. The things that I do know that I am playing with right now is mindset systems and technology. Because basically, I want to geek out with really smart business owners and really talk about everything that's kind of going on behind the business. That is one of the names I'm thinking out about behind the biz behind the business, something along those lines. So Oh, no, stay tuned, we'll figure it out. I mean, you should know by now that this is very much a we are going to go with the flow because this is a journey. And this is not just something that you know, I want to I don't know, I don't know where I was going with that. It's a journey. Period. Thank you for being on it with me. I really appreciate you being here. I really appreciate you making it this long listening to these ramblings. And I hope that you'll take a listen to the next episodes that are coming up and really kind of see the whole behind the scenes from a different point of view and really just know that I appreciate you. I'm glad you're here on this journey with me. And I could not have done it without you. And thank you. Thank you, thank you can find me on Instagram. I'm pretty sure I'm getting rid of Facebook. I'm just so over all of that. And I'm trying to simplify where I'm at so that I can be more intentional with the last time that I have and all of those sorts of things. So come say hi on Instagram, go ahead and make sure that you are subscribed to the podcast so that you'll still be notified whenever new episodes come out whenever season two is around and head over to Jamie forward slash podcast and get notified for season two. Thank you friends. I hope you have a fantastic rest of the year. Bye bye

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